Love is here, as the ground of Being. Covered by endless layers of beliefs and idea about who we are, we lose conscious contact with our natural true self. In the willingness to stop and inquire into who you really are, there is a possibility to realise yourself as love itself, as life itself. Stopping and waking up out of the conditioned mind is a “yes” to this moment, a full yes to yourself, and this is love.
Join Jared and the Auckland community in this container for self inquiry, to meet yourself freshly and discover what you want at the deepest level.
Cost: $375 (NZ), $344 (AUD)
Register Here:
Vartamana Retreat Centre
1119 Scenic Drive, Swanson, Auckland, New Zealand
Times (all in NZST):
Friday August 9th: First meeting at 6pm
Saturday August 10th: Meetings at 10am, 2pm and 5pm
Sunday August 11th: Meetings at 10am and 2pm
Local host Dianne: dianne.rassie@gmail.com
Hi looking to book can’t see the booking link
Webpage has been updated now David, you should see the link in the description.